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I Need Advice on Setting Up and Fine-Tuning a Futaba 16SZ for Helicopter Flight

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  • I Need Advice on Setting Up and Fine-Tuning a Futaba 16SZ for Helicopter Flight

    Hello there,

    I am fairly new to using high-end transmitters and recently upgraded to a Futaba 16SZ to take my helicopter flying to the next level. I have read the manual; but I still have a few areas where I am seeking advice; especially when it comes to setting up and fine tuning the transmitter for a smooth helicopter experience.

    I am aiming to set up three distinct flight modes: normal; idle up 1; and idle up 2. I understand how to assign them to the switches; but what is the best way to adjust the throttle and pitch curves for each mode to ensure smooth transitions? Are there any specific percentages or curve recommendations that work well for most pilots?

    I have heard that using a governor can make a big difference in stabilizing RPMs during flight. Can anyone provide a step-by-step guide on how to properly set this up on the 16SZ? I’ve been flying without one and would like to understand how it might improve flight performance.

    I am also struggling a bit with fine tuning the gyro gain. What values do you recommend starting with; especially for aggressive 3D maneuvers?

    Also; I have gone through this post; which definitely helped me out a lot.

    If anyone has experience setting up the 16SZ for helicopters or can share some helpful tips; I would greatly appreciate it! I want to make sure I am optimizing all the features this transmitter has to offer.

    Thanks in advance for your help and assistance.