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changing frequency

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  • changing frequency


    I just received my new T12Z. He looks great! But the first thing I want to do is not working at all...
    I want to set up the frequency. It looks easy. Setting the frequency in the TRANSMITTER goes well. Just selecting the one you want and it's ok. But then sending tis to the receiver...
    1) without DCS cord: the ringing sound is heard for a few seconds. The message "turn on receiver battery' is shown on the screen all the time. After a few seconds the sound stops, and the message for connecting the receiver battery stays on. Although, the receiver battery was connected. Even when I connect the battery while sending, it does nothing. The servo on channel 1 is not moving 3 times as it should do to confirm the new setting.
    2)with DCS cable connected: the ringing sound keeps going on and never stops. With or without receiver battery . The receiver never reacts.

    Is there something I do wrong? I also put in the ID number as told in the manual.

    Thanks for advise

  • #2
    Hi Dolphin,

    I had to turn the receiver off and on several times to get it working. Maybe try this.


    • #3

      I've got the solution!

      - first turn OFF the receiver (very important)
      - then set frequency in the transmitter
      - while the transmitter starts sending the information to the receiver (ringing sound), then TURN ON the receiver
      - after 1 second the servo on channel 1 starts to move 3 times across his neutral position to confirm transmission is complete

      So the tricky point was to turn OFF the receiver first, and turn it ON while transmitter sends his information!

      I hope another problem with this receiver is solved for all users.


      • #4
        Hi Dolphin,

        thank you very much for your solution. Hope you had a nice first flight with your T12

        Edit: BTW, if you're doing a frequency change without the DSC cable it is sometimes helpful to bring your transmitters antenna to the receivers antenna as close as possible. You might even have to extend your transmitters antenna to its full length although you're (likely) standing beside your aircraft. This is because the transmitting power is reduced to a minimum during frequency changes (as explained by Robbe/Futaba).


        • #5
          Hi Alex,

          I have not used my new transmitter for flying yet. The weather was too bad: wind and rain. Maybe next week. But I'm going to test the receiver first in a cheap elapor plane. Bacause I've noticed that when I put the receiver antenna close to my transmitter, and and move my hand in circels above it (like magigians do) the servo's start to glitch... I had this several times. Even pointing my finger towards the receiver was enough to make them move. So Im a bit worrying about the the receiver being too sensitive.



          • #6
            Hi Dolphin,

            maybe it's not the receiver but your sixth sense that is to sensitive That "magician"-comparison is very funny
            However, I think that you're not going to have any problems. If I remember correctly one gets bad signal reception in both of the following cases: sender and receiver too close and/or certain angles (i.e. someone said it's bad if for example you're pointing your transmitters antenna straight to your model).

